[LUG.ro] NATted Hosts

Andrés D'Elia lugro@lugro.org.ar
Tue, 12 Aug 2003 16:29:39 -0300 (ART)


Por lo que lei hace unos días, la solución a ese tema estaría por el lado de hacer que la
secuencia recomience por cada nueva conexión que se establezca desde la red privada, y no
que siga indefinidamente. 

Por ahora solo algunos BSDs ya habían implementado esta medida adicional de seguridad
(más bien, de no buchoneo).



 --- Walter Castro <W_CASTRO@crm.com.ar> escribió: > Me vino a la mente alguien que
pregunto por algo asi en la lista....
> A Technique for Counting NATted Hosts
> Steven M. Bellovin
> smb@research.att.com
> AT&T Labs Research
> Abstract- There have been many attempts to measure
> how many hosts are on the Internet. Many of those endpoints,
> however, are NAT boxes (Network Address Translators),
> and actually represent several different computers.
> We describe a technique for detecting NATs and counting
> the number of active hosts behind them. The technique is
> based on the observation that on many operating systems,
> the IP header's ID field is a simple counter. By suitable
> processing of trace data, packets emanating from individual
> machines can be isolated, and the number of machines
> determined. Our implementation, tested on aggregated local
> trace data, demonstrates the feasibility (and limitations)
> of the scheme.

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