[LUG.ro] [LUGRO]: Cambiar la resolucion del X
Martin C
Thu, 10 Jul 2003 12:50:41 -0700 (PDT)
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Subject: Re: [TLUG]: Easily switching X server resolutions
From: Paul Mora <paulmora@sympatico.ca>
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> > I am currently running Redhat 9.0 with the graphical login and KDE and
> > Fluxbox as my desktops. I have this old Dos game that I am running
> > under Dosemu. It runs under 640x480 resolution, so I want to configure
> > my X server to run in 640x480 to be able to use the game full-screen.
> > My normal resolution is 1024x768. Right now I have simply created 2
> > different XF86Config files (XF86Config.lowres, XF86Config.hires) using
> > redhat-config-xfree86, and have to manually su root, copy the right file
> > over the original XF86Config, and then restart the X-server. I then use
> > the "Failsafe session" option to start a simple WM desktop.
> >
> > My question is: is there an easier way to change the resolution? is
> > there some user-specific file that can be used to control the resolution
> > that doesn't require su root? should I just write a script to swap the
> > files automatically?
Red Hat 9 comes with XFree86 v4.3. This version includes a new X
extension called XRANDR, which allows dynamic screen resolution
resizing, without exiting X, or having different config files.
To use it, first configure your X server config file to use the normal
(high) resolution. Then you can use the "xrandr" command to see what
resolutions are supported, and to switch between them.
For example, on my machine:
[paul@stimpy paul]$ xrandr
SZ: Pixels Physical Refresh
*0 1280 x 960 ( 433mm x 325mm ) *60
1 1152 x 864 ( 433mm x 325mm ) 85 75
2 1024 x 768 ( 433mm x 325mm ) 84 75 70 60
3 800 x 600 ( 433mm x 325mm ) 85 75 72 65 60 56
4 640 x 480 ( 433mm x 325mm ) 85 75 72 60
5 832 x 624 ( 433mm x 325mm ) 74
6 700 x 525 ( 433mm x 325mm ) 74 70 59
7 640 x 512 ( 433mm x 325mm ) 75 60
8 720 x 400 ( 433mm x 325mm ) 85
9 640 x 400 ( 433mm x 325mm ) 85
10 576 x 432 ( 433mm x 325mm ) 85 75
11 640 x 350 ( 433mm x 325mm ) 85
12 512 x 384 ( 433mm x 325mm ) 84 75 70 60
13 416 x 312 ( 433mm x 325mm ) 74
14 400 x 300 ( 433mm x 325mm ) 85 75 72 60 56
15 320 x 240 ( 433mm x 325mm ) 85 75 72 60
16 320 x 200 ( 433mm x 325mm ) 85
17 320 x 175 ( 433mm x 325mm ) 85
Current rotation - normal
Current reflection - none
Rotations possible - normal
Reflections possible - none
To switch to 640x480:
[paul@stimpy paul]$ xrandr --size 640x480
There currently is no GUI for this, but I suspect that Red Hat will
include one, or write one, for their next release.
Paul Mora <paulmora@sympatico.ca>
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