[LUG.ro] Memoria Virtual

Horacio Castellini lugro@lugro.org.ar
Wed, 4 Jun 2003 11:38:54 -0300 (ART)

On Wed, 4 Jun 2003, Pablo M wrote:

> Que es la Virtual memory del kernel y para que sirve?

Esperá que busque la definición correcta, pero si queres pispear algo mirá

vmstat               (8)  - Report virtual memory statistics
       vmstat  reports  information about processes, memory, pag­
       ing, block IO, traps, and cpu activity.

       The first report produced gives averages  since  the  last
       reboot.  Additional reports give information on a sampling
       period of length delay.  The process  and  memory  reports
       are instantaneous in either case.