[LUG.ro] Interesante, aunque de M$

Pablo lugro@lugro.org.ar
Wed, 26 Nov 2003 08:06:32 -0300

Leyendo un articulo sobre que esta haciendo
M$ para proteger sus sistemas, encontre un par
de parrafos que me parecio importante compartir:

Although several prominent data classification taxonomies exist, the classes
used by the Corporate Security Group fit into the following three areas:

Highest Value class.   Consists of the most valuable Microsoft digital assets.
The Corporate Security Group commits to provide multiple strong measures
to exceed the Five Trustworthy Assurances. In this class, the cost of additional
controls is justified by the business need to reduce the overall level of
risk to the assets to a very low level. For example, the Windows source
code servers house valuable intellectual property. Compromised source code
could lead to a significant negative impact on the company. Increased levels
of security controls and costs are therefore justified. 

Mas o menos dice que los tipos gastan fortunas para
proteger el codigo fuente (los servidores que tienen
el codigo fuente) de Windows !!! pensar que todo el codigo
de GNU/Linux esta disponible para cualquiera y anda fenomeno ¿no?

                  Saludos. Pablo.


Microsoft IT Environment
Another factor to consider when understanding the Corporate Security Group?s
approach to security is the IT environment. OTG operates a large and dynamic
IT environment that is critical to the success of Microsoft. OTG is responsible
for managing IT services for more than 55,000 employees and more than 300,000
computers that span over 400 sites worldwide on an around-the-clock basis.
Over 300 of the sites are sales and marketing offices distributed in major
worldwide cities. IT-managed infrastructure exists at over 200 of those

The early deployment of technology and continual growth at Microsoft result
in a highly dynamic environment. This environment houses more than 1,600
line-of-business applications that range from a single SAP R/3 instance
used globally to specialized departmental or even workgroup applications
for groups such as research, product support, and product development. OTG
provides support and tracking for all line-of-business applications. Additionally,
e-mail is a mission-critical application at Microsoft. Approximately 8 million
e-mail messages a day flow to and from the Internet, and 4 million e-mail
messages a day circulate internally.

The Microsoft corporate network is the world?s largest experimental computer
network. Although a variety of network protocols are run for development
and testing purposes on the Microsoft corporate network, the environment
is primarily Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) based.
It employs a high-speed (170 gigabits per second) asynchronous transfer
mode (ATM) backbone over Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) to move massive
amounts of digital data and voice messages.


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