[LUG.ro] Sugerencia para el nuevo servidor del Lugro - Reemplazo de Mailman

Federico Lazcano lugro@lugro.org.ar
Tue, 23 Mar 2004 16:55:22 -0300


Respecto a las discusiones sobre el Mailman que se daban un par de emails atrás, tal vez se podría probar el Sympa, que tiene soporte para varios idiomas, y está en Debian Stable.

Pueden ver un Sympa corriendo acá:

linux:/home/radmin# apt-cache search sympa
sympa - Modern mailing list manager				-> El manjador de listas en sí
wwsympa - Web interface for administrating Sympa	-> La interface web para adminsitrarlo

Desde el apt-cache show sympa
linux:/home/radmin# apt-cache show sympa

Description: Modern mailing list manager
 Sympa is a scalable and highly customizable modern mailing list manager
 which can cope with big lists (200,000 subscribers).
 It can can handle a lots of useful features :
  - Moderation
  - Digest mode
  - Authentication (for subscription process)
  - Archive management
  - Multi-language support (us, fr, de, as, it, fi and Chinese locales)
  - Expiration process
  - Virtual domains (virtual robots)
  - Accesses to LDAP directories
  - Using a RDBMS for storing subscriber information (it supports both MySQL
    and PostgreSQL).
  - S/MIME encryption and HTTPS authentication
 Sympa provides a scripting language for extending the behaviour of commands,
 and a complete (user and admin) Web interface called WWSympa.
 SYMPA means 'Système de Multi-Postage Automatique' (French) or
 'Automatic Mailing System' (English).
 It is written in Perl and uses some modules (mailtools, md5, msgcat, db).
 WWSympa is provided in a separate package named `wwsympa'.

Puede ser como opción para el Mailman...

Federico Lazcano - Soporte Técnico
Hardtec S.R.L.
Dorrego 2406 - Rosario
TE: 0341-4855556