[LUG.ro] Virtual Machine Monitor - Xen 2.0

Sebastian D. Criado lugro@lugro.org.ar
Fri, 5 Nov 2004 20:48:47 -0300

Hash: SHA1

Hace un tiempo habíamos hablado en la lista sobre las VM's


Leo en Slashdot 
http://linux.slashdot.org/linux/04/11/05/1355219.shtml?tid=190&tid=106 que el 
Xen team junto con la Universidad de Cambridge han lanzado la versión 2 de 
XEN que es totalmente Software Libre bajo licencia GPL.

"The Xen team are pleased to announce the release of Xen 2.0, the open-source 
Virtual Machine Monitor. Xen enables you to run multiple operating systems 
images concurrently on the same hardware, securely partitioning the resources 
of the machine between them. Xen uses a technique called 
'para-virtualization' to achieve very low performance overhead -- typically 
just a few percent relative to native. This new release provides kernel 
support for Linux 2.4.27/2.6.9 and NetBSD, with FreeBSD and Plan9 to follow 
in the next few weeks. Xen 2.0 runs on almost the entire set of modern x86 
hardware supported by Linux, and is easy to 'drop-in' to an existing Linux 
installation. The new release has a lot more flexibility in how guest OS 
virtual I/O devices are configured. For example, you can configure arbitrary 
firewalling, bridging and routing of guest virtual network interfaces, and 
use copy-on-write LVM volumes or loopback files for storing guest OS disk 
images. Another new feature is 'live migration', which allows running OS 
images to be moved between nodes in a cluster without having to stop them

Podrán ver la página en: http://xen.sf.net donde hay binarios, fuentes y un 
LiveCD de demo.

A ver como anda ;)


- -- 

Sebastián D. Criado - scriado{en}ciudad.com.ar
L.U.G.R.o - http://www.lugro.org.ar
GNU/Linux Registered User # 146768
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