[LUG.ro] Bug en google talk, desubierto por un venezolano...

Horacio Castellini lugro@lugro.org.ar
Sat, 12 Nov 2005 10:44:17 -0300

Fíjense en este artículo....


Well, the reason for me to post this is for telling you about a bug in
Google Talk I discovered with my friend chris77 (#velug @
irc.freenode.net) this afternoon.
Google Talk's excellent features allow the user to know when contacts
send mails without configuring any passports, etc., well, you know that.
What's really funny is: one can generate remote errors in the users'
systems connected to Google Talk, and thus creating a kind of DoS. So
Google Talk stops working if it has email notification enabled: it
suffices to type this command in a Linux shell (nail must be installed
of course):

echo kill | nail -s Kill -r "" victim (at) gmail (dot) com [email


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