[LUG.ro] Consula: Desarrollando aplicaciones Win desde Linux
Sun, 12 Nov 2006 01:40:10 -0300
¿Que me dicen de C++ con wxWidgets??... ¿alguno tiene experiencia
desarrollando aplicaciones multiplataforma con wxwidgets?
On 11/11/06, Martín Carr <tincarr@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2006/11/11, Naranjo Manuel Francisco
> > Lisandro, bueno tenes .NET o séa proyecto Mono.
> Justo ayer leí en /. que salió Mono 1.2, que:
> smbarbour writes "The Mono project (the open-source .NET compatibility
> library acquired by Novell when Ximian was purchased) has released
> version 1.2. They are now including support for WinForms. Ars Technica
> has a detailed rundown on the new release. The Mono project supports
> Visual Basic.NET as well, so developers that use VB.NET now have the
> possibility of directly porting applications to Linux." From the
> article: "Relatively high memory consumption and performance
> bottlenecks are commonly perceived as being amongst Mono's most
> significant weaknesses. Some critics frequently refer to various
> performance issues to support arguments against broader adoption of
> Mono technology in open source projects, most notably within the GNOME
> community. The performance improvements in Mono 1.2 could potentially
> address such criticisms, but it is likely that a lot more work will be
> required before the problems are completely resolved."
> http://developers.slashdot.org/developers/06/11/10/2055258.shtml
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