[LUG.ro] Cómo se construye Linux, (con ejemplos)
Alejandro Moliné
alemoline en gmail.com
Lun Abr 23 20:50:53 ART 2012
El 23/04/12 10:23, Pablo S. Colombo escribió:
> El 23 de abril de 2012 10:15, Ezequiel García<elezegarcia en gmail.com>escribió:
>> Les envío un extracto de un thread de la lista de correo lkml,
>> qué es lo más parecido a las oficinas de Linux.
>> Es una respuesta de Linus Torvalds a un patch de un señor.
>> Asumo que debe haber algún profesional del software por acá
>> y cómo esto no tiene desperdicio y viene al caso según los últimos
>> correos.... bueno acá está:
>> Saludos,
>> Ezequiel.
>> -----
>>> Keeping compatibility is easy enough that it looks like it is worth
>>> doing, but maintaining 30+ years of backwards compatibility
>> Stop right there.
>> This is *not* about some arbitrary "30-year backwards compatibility".
>> This is about your patch BREAKING EXISTING BINARIES.
>> So stop the f*&^ing around already. The patch was shown to be broken,
>> stop making excuses, and stop blathering.
>> End of story. Binary compatibility is more important than *any* of
>> your patches. If you continue to argue anything else or making
>> excuses, I'm going to ask people to just ignore your patches entirely.
>> Seriously. Binary compatibility is *so* important that I do not want
>> to have anything to do with kernel developers who don't understand
>> that importance. If you continue to pooh-pooh the issue, you only show
>> yourself to be unreliable. Don't do it.
>> Dammit, I'm continually surprised by the *idiots* out there that don't
>> understand that binary compatibility is one of the absolute top
>> priorities. The *only* reason for an OS kernel existing in the first
>> place is to serve user-space. The kernel has no relevance on its own.
>> Breaking existing binaries - and then not acknowledging how horribly
>> bad that was - is just about the *worst* offense any kernel developer
>> can do.
>> Because that shows that they don't understand what the whole *point*
>> of the kernel was after all. We're not masturbating around with some
>> research project. We never were. Even when Linux was young, the whole
>> and only point was to make a *usable* system. It's why it's not some
>> crazy drug-induced microkernel or other random crazy thing.
>> Really.
>> Linus
> wow! el tipo no anda con vueltas!
> slds!!
> Pablo
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Adhiero. La diferencia entre pensar todo el tiempo en "mundos
hipotéticos", "cómo podrían ser las cosas si...", y ponerse a laburar
con un objetivo concreto, con resultados visibles que afectan la vida
real de las personas, se ve en el texto de ese e-mail.
Me parece que esa visión más concreta y de laburo, es la que representa
Linus. Por eso, entre otras cosas, por sus 21 años de trabajo concreto y
constante, sin perder el foco, y con la grandeza de compartir los
resultados con los demás, se merece el premio que le dieron.
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