[LUG.ro] GNU/Linux, crucial en el descubrimiento del bosón de Higgs
Ramiro Caire
ramiro.caire en gmail.com
Vie Jul 6 12:41:53 ART 2012
Interesante que se haya utilizado tecnología libre para tan crucial
“I don't see any CERN related things here, so I want to mention how
Linux (specifically, Scientific Linux and Ubuntu) had a vital role in
the discovery of the new boson at CERN,” said the source on Reddit,
sparking supporting comments from others involved in the field.
Ramiro J. Caire
E-mail: ramiro.caire en gmail.com
PGP: 0xA657B4362D357BEC
Blog: seguridadetica.wordpress.com
Twitter: @rcaire
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