[LUG.ro] Resultado de la reunion para el proyecto de reciclado de máquinas
Soler Carlos
karurosuros en gmail.com
Lun Jun 4 09:35:38 ART 2012
El 03/06/12 02:40, Sebastián D. Criado escribió:
> Uno de los problemas que encontramos es que dado que el proyecto sugar on
> stick se basa en fedora 16 (siendo el mismo solo para i686), no fue posible
> instalarlo en una máquina de una arq anterior. Por eso estudiamos la
> posibilidad de instalar un debian lenny al cual le incorporamos sugar. El
> resultado, aunque satisfactorio, no quedó completo por falta de tiempo.
> Esperamos poder seguir estudiando esta posibilidad.
Amigos Libres:
De mi lectura de la pagina web del sitio del proyecto sugar, encuentro
que existen
versiones anteriores para arquitectura i386. Estando basado en Ubuntu.
Trisquel 4.5-sugar
* Sugar 0.88.1 with the Fructose and Honey activities.
* Built on top of Trisquel 4.5 (based on Ubuntu 10.04), making it 100%
* 395MB iso image for i386 PC's. An amd64 version is available, but
not published as it might make distribution a little more
complicated while providing almost no advantages.
* 30 languages included (English as default):
o ar bn ca de el en es eu fa fr gl he hi it ja mg mn nb ne nl
pt_PT ru si sl sq sv tr ur vi zh_CN
* Graphical boot splash with translated options menu
* Graphical USB-creator tool built in
* Sugar-style artwork
Trisquel 4.0-sugar
* Sugar 0.86.2 with the Fructose and Honey activities.
* Built on top of Trisquel 3.0 (based on Ubuntu 9.10), making it 100%
* 395MB iso image for i386 PC's. An amd64 version is available, but
not published as it might make distribution a little more
complicated while providing almost no advantages.
* 30 languages included (English as default):
o ar bn ca de el en es eu fa fr gl he hi it ja mg mn nb ne nl
pt_PT ru si sl sq sv tr ur vi zh_CN
* Graphical boot splash with translated options menu
* Graphical USB-creator tool built in
* Sugar-style artwork
Trisquel 3.0-sugar
* Sugar 0.86.2 with the Fructose and Honey activities.
* Built on top of Trisquel 3.0 (based on Ubuntu 9.04), making it 100%
* 395MB iso image for i386 PC's. An amd64 version is available, but
not published as it might make distribution a little more
complicated while providing almost no advantages.
* 30 languages included (English as default):
o ar bn ca de el en es eu fa fr gl he hi it ja mg mn nb ne nl
pt_PT ru si sl sq sv tr ur vi zh_CN
* Graphical boot splash with translated options menu
* Graphical USB-creator tool built in
* Sugar-style artwork
More info and screenshots can be found here:
Más información sobre la lista de distribución Lugro