[LUG.ro] Mandriva Class

Hermes Abel arbol en telnet.com.ar
Mar Sep 11 12:14:38 ART 2012

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Paris, Curitiba, the 10th of September. Mandriva S.A has released
Mandriva Class, the real time Education platform for teachers and
students. Mandriva Class is a platform that lets teachers and students
interact in a virtual classroom. Mandriva Class marks the come-back of
Mandriva in the field of solutions for the education.

Easy to use, Mandriva Class comes with an intuitive interface that lets
students and teachers collaborate, share content and screens in real
time. The set-up of virtual classrooms can be done in just a few clicks
by the teacher.

Mandriva Class is one of the most affordable e-learning platforms on the
market. It is available in two editions, one for the teacher and another
one for the students. “With Mandriva Class we are opening new
opportunities for hundreds of thousands of students worldwide who cannot
always attend courses physically. Mandriva Class bridges the distance
between the teacher and the students and delivers the features you want
for the education you need” says Marcos Polidoro, head of Mandriva’s
Education Center.

Building on a strong technological platform and years of experience in
the field of digital education solutions, Mandriva Class provides a
professional platform for education with minimum requirements at the
right price. Contactsales en mandriva.com  and see why Mandriva Class is
right for you.

More information is available here:


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