[Nightwing] SSH via Wireless to other nodes, and WAN on gateway nodes

Julio Cesar Puigpinos jcpuigpinos en gmail.com
Jue Ago 21 12:05:57 ART 2008

2008/8/20 OutBackDingo :
> I have 9 nodes running 2 links are 9km and 13 km apart. all is good, question
> though, if there anyway  to allow ssh to the other remote nodes ? Ive looked
> at the firewall rules and can see them with iptables -L , but question is what
> file would i need to modify to allow ssh over the 5.x.x.x network wirelessly to
> the other nodes ?

That is the mesh interface.

In the script /etc/init.d/nightwing

The block of ssh is done like this:
## Close ssh port except local lan and private iface
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j DROP
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -i $LAN_IFACE -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT

You could add a line like this, at the bottom (after the one for the
LAN interface):
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -i $MESH_IFACE -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT

This has to be done for both the gateway and client modes.

>id like to write a few script to monitor various data and
> return it to me, I need a way to be able to ssh to the other wireless nodes,
> and to the WAN side of the gateways nodes.

Sorry, I didn't get this one :)

By WAN you mean the ethernet port from where you get the Internet connection?
If so, you want to access from the outside (internet?, private
interface? mesh interface?) to that port?

>Once i can do this i can deploy 40+
> nodes. Makes for a great test bed :)

Excellent, keep us inform.

                       Saludos, Julio

Software Freedom Day 2008 - 20 de Septiembre
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