[Nightwing] Nightwing + own WiFiDog server

Julio Cesar Puigpinos jcpuigpinos en gmail.com
Mar Dic 9 19:20:21 ART 2008

Sebastian Criado, who is in charge of the WiFiDog server for the
LUGRo-Mesh Network, passed me this instructions to use Nightwing with
your own server.

To use your own WiFiDog server, modify the values of the file
/etc/config/wifidog this way:
* Replace "wifidog.lugro-mesh.org.ar" in option server with your FQDN
* In the case that it doesn't have support for SSL, change option ssl to no
* Modify option change to 1
* Reboot

Steps to follow for the instalation of the WiFiDog server:

In the case that you have a different GNU/Linux distribution:

               Saludos, Julio

www.lugro-mesh.org.ar/        Wireless Mesh Networks Group
www.lugro.org.ar                         GNU/Linux User Group Rosario, Argentina
Slackware rulez :P             www.slackware.org
NO A LA MATRICULA!!!: http://noalamatricula.wordpress.com/

Más información sobre la lista de distribución Nightwing