[Nightwing] Goals of the LUGRo-Mesh group

Julio Cesar Puigpinos jcpuigpinos en gmail.com
Mie Jul 30 16:48:08 ART 2008

The goals of the LUGRo-Mesh group are:
* Study and research of the Mesh technology and its use in Wireless Networks.
* Development of embedded systems for the creation of Wireless Mesh
Networks, under the GPL license.
* Development and implementation of management tools for managing Mesh networks.
* Creation of documentation and reports, group's own, both about the
developments as the technologies used.
* Difussion and promotion of the group's work and the technologies used.
* Creation of a Community WiFi Mesh Network.
* Cooperation and working together with other groups who share our
goals and philosophy.
* Use of Free Software, Open Formats and technologies appropriate to them.

                  Saludos, Julio

Software Freedom Day 2008 - 20 de Septiembre
www.lugro.org.ar/lugro-mesh Wireless Mesh Networks Group
www.lugro.org.ar GNU/Linux User Group Rosario, Argentina
NO A LA MATRICULA!!!: http://noalamatricula.wordpress.com/
Registered GNU/Linux User #358886

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