[Nightwing] Fwd: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] 0.3 final released

Julio Cesar Puigpinos jcpuigpinos en gmail.com
Lun Mayo 5 09:09:22 ART 2008

Chau al mensajito de que estamos usando una version no estable :P

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marek Lindner
Date: 05-may-2008 8:54
Subject: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] 0.3 final released
To: The list for a Better Approach To Mobile Ad-hoc Networking
<b.a.t.m.a.n en open-mesh.net>

 Hello everybody,

 after a long release cycle (almost one year) the B.A.T.M.A.N. team is proud to
 announce the release of:
 - batman 0.3 stable
 - vis server 0.3 stable
 - batman advanced kernelland 0.1 beta

 We used the Wireless Community Weekend 2008 in the c-Base to release our
 newest version. Here are the main features in brief:

 batman 0.3:
 - TQ based routing algorith to overcome BATMAN III limitations
 - policy routing (see: http://open-mesh.net/batman/doc/RoutingVodoo)
 - policy routing script to fully control the routing table (see:
 - tunneling rewritten (only UDP based, blackhole detection and kernel module
 batgat for performance boosting)
 - parameters can be changed at runtime (routing_class, gateway_class, hna,
 preferred gateway)
 - routing_class support 4 different settings (see:
 - interface watchdog (interfaces can be (de)activated dynamically)
 - packet aggregation (experimental)
 - official IANA port 4035 is used
 - RFC draft published

 batman advanced kernelland:
 - layer 2 meshing based on BATMAN TQ algorithm in kernelland
 - operates on any ethernet like interface
 - supports IPv4, IPv6, DHCP, etc
 - is controlled via /proc/net/bvatman-adv/
 - bridging via brctl is supported
 - interface watchdog (interfaces can be (de)activated dynamically)
 - offers integrated vis server which meshes/syncs with other vis servers in

 The latest version of batman layer 3 obsoletes batman 0.2 which is not
 supported anymore. The current version (batman 0.3) is the stable version
 from now on. Even though a version 0.4 might emerge we will continue
 supporting 0.3 for a long time period with security fixes and stability

 Download our code and have fun ! :-)


 B.A.T.M.A.N mailing list
 B.A.T.M.A.N en open-mesh.net

www.lugro.org.ar/lugro-mesh     Wireless Mesh Networks Group
www.lugro.org.ar                      GNU/Linux User Group Rosario, Argentina
NO A LA MATRICULA!!!: http://noalamatricula.wordpress.com/
Registered GNU/Linux User #358886

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