[Nightwing] mesh
Julio Cesar Puigpinos
jcpuigpinos en gmail.com
Lun Mayo 12 08:54:54 ART 2008
2008/5/12 Marcel Hecko :
> hi people,
Hi Marcel
> I have seen your post somewhere on the net about the alternetive mesh
> firmware for nanostation devices - are you acetually planing of
> releasing a publicly available interface the same way as robim project
> did with open-mesh.com ?
We are currently discussing what to do about this point.
> have you tried to flash nanostation5 devices?
No, but whe will do ourself some tests on a NanoStation2.
More info about the project will be posted this week, wich will
clarify more this points.
> marcel
Saludos, Julio
www.lugro.org.ar/lugro-mesh Wireless Mesh Networks Group
www.lugro.org.ar GNU/Linux User Group Rosario, Argentina
NO A LA MATRICULA!!!: http://noalamatricula.wordpress.com/
Registered GNU/Linux User #358886
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