[Nightwing] [EN] Violation of Nightwing's GPL License

Julio Cesar Puigpinos jcpuigpinos en gmail.com
Mie Abr 15 10:01:43 ART 2009

2009/4/15 Outback Dingo :
> There is no need for a reaction like this as the ONLY piece of code that WAS
> previously used was an Init script.

You used more then just that. And it's not previously, is right now.

>Nobody has even inquired about source
> availability.
> And as this is an internal work, not released for public or general
> consumption, nor directly
> downloadable from any location. And it is not publicatlly available.

You did make available your image: you pass it to several people. That
is enought for you to respect the GPLv3 license.

> ROBIN with you also
> I tried to help, I even inquired about the potential for enahancements of
> your firmware,
> to which you declined so I set off on my own.
> http://www.optimwifi.com/orion-initialiaztion/

Like I allways say, most of the enhancements that are proposed don't
go along with our use of the firmware. But if someone wants to add an
enhacement, it can do it with no problem. BUT it has to respect the
GPLv3 license :)

                    Saludos, Julio

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