[Nightwing] [EN] Violation of Nightwing's GPL License

Outback Dingo outbackdingo en gmail.com
Mie Abr 15 10:38:11 ART 2009

No I denied it is a nightwing based image, I never denied using .pieces of
other works as you have also
I have always stated it is a robin derivitive used internally for private
use. Your completely off base here
and you have publically slandered me. I have not only he;lped you, but also
numerous other projects
As far as Im concerned, I fixed and posted

> Your attitude and the way you proceded by publicly denying the fact
> that you used Nightwing's code, and after we check that you didn't
> respect the GPLv3 license of our firmware (and the thing that happened
> with the documentation) was enought.
>         Saludos, Julio
> PS: Please, don't use top-posting. Our mailing lists netiquette
> doesn't allow it.
> --
> www.lugro-mesh.org.ar/        Wireless Mesh Networks Group
> www.lugro.org.ar                         GNU/Linux User Group Rosario,
> Argentina
> Slackware rulez :P             www.slackware.org
> NO A LA MATRICULA!!!: http://noalamatricula.wordpress.com/
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