[Nightwing] [EN] Violation of Nightwing's GPL License

Julio Cesar Puigpinos jcpuigpinos en gmail.com
Mie Abr 15 10:57:17 ART 2009

2009/4/15 Outback Dingo :
> No, I did not publically distribute them, they are not available for
> download

You pass it to several people, that is enought for you to respect the
GPLv3 license.

> and second, the image you have is based on works from 8-9 months ago of,

That is not true. You have included nw_conf, wich was first released
in february of 2009 [1], that is almost 2 (TWO) MONTHS AGO not 8 or 9.

> [...]

Ok, try to take away the spotlight from the real issue. If you REALLY
wanted to contribute to the Free Software and the Open Source
Communities, you would have done it a long time ago.

[1] http://trac2.assembla.com/nightwing/changeset/19

           Saludos, Julio

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doesn't allow it.

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