[Nightwing] [EN] Violation of Nightwing's GPL License

Outback Dingo outbackdingo en gmail.com
Mie Abr 15 12:24:17 ART 2009

everyone looses. I will not be helping or releasing any works, or continuing
any futher code, methods, ideas, technologies to any parties involved in the
mess. Its quite rediculous to see how hostile and negative this can all get,
when one tries to assist or help. Im done with this whole mess. good luck to
you all. I have no desire to remain any part of this mess.

Yes, I did have plans to release the works and contribute back to the
community, It has become obvious people really have larger agendas then
delivering technology to the community. What was to be released and offered
in help is no longer available. The images I had were never made and will
never be publically available for download. So it is finally deadware. good
luck to all of you wanting to put networks online.

have a nice day

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 9:10 PM, Julio Cesar Puigpinos <
jcpuigpinos at gmail.com> wrote:

> 2009/4/15 Outback Dingo :
> > you failed to realize I NEVER stated I would not release the code, it is
> > upon
> > yours and other peoples actions alone that we will simply kill the
> project,
> Please, don't use top-posting. Our mailing lists netiquette doesn't allow
> it.
> What has been proved is the fact that you were and you still are lying.
> And don't try to invent excuses, you already had demonstrated that you
> just don't want to do it.
>         Saludos, Julio
> --
> www.lugro-mesh.org.ar/        Wireless Mesh Networks Group
> www.lugro.org.ar                         GNU/Linux User Group Rosario,
> Argentina
> Slackware rulez :P             www.slackware.org
> NO A LA MATRICULA!!!: http://noalamatricula.wordpress.com/
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