[Nightwing] Update on the Orion Mesh Fiasco: The MicroBSD Fiasco

Outback Dingo outbackdingo en gmail.com
Jue Abr 23 14:14:18 ART 2009

so you have proven what, that your god like and could search google ?
everyone knows about what happened with MicroBSD, its old news, yes
I admitted there was a problem in that revision of the cvs tree, which we
also fixed. Im not running from anything. I will happily admit people make
mistakes. once found, you fix them. You act like this was all blatent and
intentional, like i would ever want to claim nightwing as mine. You go ahead
and continue misleading the community. No worries, Im not going anywhere
that was what 6+ years ago. get a life dude. There is nothing you can do
then trash my name, which honestly I could care less. your not doing me any

There was an issue before, it was fixed. We didnt close it down like we were
trying to run
Hell if that were the case i would have changed my name or handle a long
time ago. Get a life.
Your not changing my world at all. You have no affect on me what so ever. so
please explain the
purpose ? Im sure if it was all that bad you would have sued me by now like
you threatened to.
So... sue me.... bring it on. your just trying to cause trouble. And quite
honestly your making alot of
noise about nothing. You noticed something was wrong I fixed it. It was one
file. And i released the
source to the files in question, do the community a favor trash me all you
like. The facts are simple.

MicroBSD back then was a public project from the beginning and source was
always available
now i ask, why is there only 1 file that shows a copyright violation of the
BSD license?? was it on
purpose?? or was it purely an accident, why arent there thousands ??? which
when also brought
to our attention the issue was fixed.

So if you really want to compare, your going to have to do better then that.
Please, tell the people the whole
trust and not just your one sided view point. ORION, was a private project,
with images emailed privately
to 5 people. I never stated it was nightwing, not did I ever state it was
ROBIN. and again, its so sad that
the facts remain. 1 modified file, and Ive commited what would appear to be
the sale of enemy secrets.

So please bring it on, post anything and everything about me you can find.
Please..... Im not going to
apologize to you, I fixed the problem and released the code.  you just want
to cause trouble, and try to
trash my name, go ahead trash away, ill just put ORION back online and let
people use what they desire.
its really people like you that give others a bad name. sure I made a
mistake, hell who hasnt in their life.
go ahead capitolize on it, make a bigger ass out of yourself.  Have a nice
time trashing on me. Your only
twisting the real truths to benefit who or for what purpose? Are you ashamed
of your work ?

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 11:04 PM, Julio Cesar Puigpinos <
jcpuigpinos at gmail.com> wrote:

> Continuing with the case of the violation of the GPLv3 license of the
> Nightwing firmware [1], the LUGRo-Mesh Team has continued to
> investigate Mr. Scott Kamp and was able to find that it is not the
> first time that he make abuses of Copyright.
> Searching in Google, we could find information about the MicroBSD
> Fiasco occurred in 2003.
> This fiasco is about the fork of OpenBSD called MicroBSD [2]. In this
> case the claim came from Theo de Raadt [3], among others, because of
> the failure to respect the Copyright of OpenBSD.
> The MicroBSD project was led by a user with nick Outback Dingo
> (dingo at microbsd.net), called Scott Kamp. Oh coincidence :)
> References about this fact:
> In the list openbsd-misc you can read e-mails on this fact, some
> interesting are:
>    * http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=104570206117686&w=2
>    * http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=104570906624233&w=2
>    * http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=104571023325099&w=2
>    * http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=104576154720463&w=2
> >From the last one we rescued the final conclusion of David Riley:
> “…I think the idea behind MicroBSD’s work (a fork) was perfectly valid
> and acceptable… right up to the point where they took credit for other
> peoples’ work.”
> Which applies perfectly to what happened with the Orion Mesh fiasco.
> As proof of the disrespect of the Copyright:
> http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/openbsd/2003-02/1598.html
> In all the cases you can continue reading the rest of the e-mails that
> are part of the respective threads and learn more about the subject.
> Another fact that came was the closing of the MicroBSD project[4]. The
> same thing happened with Orion: remove all references to the project,
> remove the code, invent excuses, and say untruths so he can look like
> the victim of what happened.
> The behavior of OutBackDingo: not respecting the Copyright, spamming
> in forum to praise his "product", giving false excuses, to always try
> to be the "victim", and so was then and now. Which shows that the
> procedure that this "person" has is common and chronic.
> More information about the MicroBSD fiasco and Scott Kamp (A.K.A.
> Outback Dingo or Dingo):
>    * http://bsd.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/02/21/157222
>    * http://www.osnews.com/comments/2878
>    * http://www.bsdnewsletter.com/2002/09/Features39b.html
>    * http://osdir.com/ml/netbsd.general/2003-02/msg00302.html
>    * http://ezine.daemonnews.org/200302/microbsd.html
> You can also read this email in Portuguese, where other events about
> this "person" are commented:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/fugspbr@fugspbr.org/msg06467.html
> English translation of it:
> http://translate.google.com.ar/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mail-archive.com%2Ffugspbr%40fugspbr.org%2Fmsg06467.html&sl=pt&tl=en&history_state0=es%7Cen%7CTraduccion%2520del%2520mismo%2520al%2520ingles%253A&swap=1
>                               The LUGRo-Mesh Team
> [1] http://nightwing.lugro-mesh.org.ar/doc/corriendo_dingos/
> [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MicroBSD
> [3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theo_de_Raadt
> [4] http://openbsd.monkey.org/misc/200302/msg00647.html
> --
> www.lugro-mesh.org.ar/        Wireless Mesh Networks Group
> www.lugro.org.ar                         GNU/Linux User Group Rosario,
> Argentina
> Slackware rulez :P             www.slackware.org
> NO A LA MATRICULA!!!: http://noalamatricula.wordpress.com/
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