[Lugro-principiantes] Licencias en Letras

Fernando Marcos Pelillo fernandopelillo en gmail.com
Mie Ago 28 11:36:37 ART 2013

 Los sistemas que utilizan software Open
Source<http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Source>suelen tener la
versión de
Roman No9 L <http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nimbus_Roman_No9_L>, que es la
versión PostScript <http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/PostScript> de Times Roman
de URW, publicada bajo la GNU General Public

(1) http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Times_New_Roman#Times_Roman

2013/8/28 E S <micta2003 en yahoo.com>

> El mar, 8/27/13, Jorge Raul Fernandez <iajorge en gmail.com> escribió:
>  respecto de las licencias en los
>  "Font"
>  alguien sabe (y puede referir link para documentar) que tipo
>  de licencia tiene la "Times New Roman"
>  ???y
>  cuáles son los equivalentes "libre"?
> https://www.redhat.com/promo/fonts/
> On May 9, 2007, Red Hat announced the public release of these fonts under
> the trademark LIBERATION at the Red Hat Summit. There are three sets: Sans
> (a substitute for Arial, Albany, Helvetica, Nimbus Sans L, and Bitstream
> Vera Sans), Serif (a substitute for Times New Roman, Thorndale, Nimbus
> Roman, and Bitstream Vera Serif) and Mono (a substitute for Courier New,
> Cumberland, Courier, Nimbus Mono L, and Bitstream Vera Sans Mono). The
> fonts are now available for you to install.
> ...
> You are free to use these fonts on any system you would like. You are free
> to redistribute them under the GPL+exception license found in the download.
> Using these fonts does not subject your documents to the GPL--it liberates
> them from any proprietary claim. Once you have installed these fonts, we
> encourage you to make them your default in Thunderbird, Firefox, and Open
> Office. Heck, for that matter make them your default in Microsoft® Office®,
> in Microsoft Windows®, in Apple OSX®... in anything you would like. In many
> applications you can set Times New Roman, Arial, and Courier New to convert
> to these fonts.
> ...
> Chau
> Elio
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Fernando Pelillo
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