[LUG.ro] off topic llamada en espera

diego huck lugro@lugro.org.ar
Mon, 23 Aug 2004 14:32:11 -0300


  alguien sabe si sin tener un provedor de internet con servicio v92 se 
puede configurar un modem v92 para que cuando se recibe la señal de 
llamada en espera se pueda cortar la conexion a internet y tomar la 
llamada que entra.
  he preguntado a los de ciudad internet sobre el servicio v92 y dicen 
que solo me va a funcionar el servicio si le compro el modem con chip 
conexant e instalo el software llamado netwaiting que trae. me gustaria 
saber puede llegar a funcionar con el modem que tengo.

he consultado ademas al soporte del modem genius y es esto lo que me han 

Dear Genius customer,

Since you ISP can't provide call waiting function, then you can't use that.
When both modems support V.92, the call waiting function would active. You
don't have to set that.

Thanks and Best Regards,
Customer Service Dept.
FAQ : http://www.geniusnet.com.tw/support/faq_index.htm
Driver : http://www.geniusnet.com.tw/download/Driverlist.htm
Tech. support : http://www.geniusnet.com.tw/support/account.htm
----- Original Message -----
From: "diego huck" <diegolugro@yahoo.com.ar>
To: <csd03@email.geniusnet.com.tw>
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2004 3:10 AM
Subject: how call waiting

 >> hello
 >>   I have a genius gm56 sa v92 modem
 >>   I use win 98, win2000 and mandake linux.
 >>   I have a call wainting sevice from my telecommunications company.
 >>   I have an internet provider who does not suuport de v92 service.
 >>   I would like to know what software or configuration a need that, when
 >> an incoming call enter when  I am connected to the internet, the modem
 >> shut down the connection to the internet and I could took the incoming


 >>   Thank you in advance
 >>   Best regards
