[LUG.ro] Debian tiene instalador
Ramiro Caire
Fri, 02 Dec 2005 09:51:00 -0300
Que bien!!!
como debianero que soy me siento muy feliz de esta noticia.
Pero lo voy a seguir instalando en modo texto ;)
El mié, 30-11-2005 a las 19:57 -0300, Horacio Castellini escribió:
> Holas... se pude decir que para no ser menos que el resto debian ya
> tiene un instalador gráfico como en la mayoría de las distros... si lo
> quieren ver... fíjense en...
> http://distrocenter.linux.com/distrocenter/05/11/17/1825228.shtml?tid=106
> A first look at Debian's GUI installer
> Wednesday November 30, 2005 (09:01 AM GMT)
> By: Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier
> Debian's standard text-based installer has been vilified in the past, so
> I was excited to see an announcement about a graphical installer under
> development for Debian. A good GUI installer could bring Debian to a lot
> of users who don't feel comfortable taking the plunge with a text
> installer. It's pretty early in the testing cycle for Debian's next
> version, dubbed Etch, so it's likely that there will be a number of
> changes before the new installer is finalized, but I took the current
> version for a test run and found that it's already fairly usable.
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Ramiro Caire - r.caire{en}coopvgg.com.ar
Registered GNU/Linux User #293247
Asociación de Nuevas Tecnologías - http://www.ant.org.ar
GNU/Linux User Group Rosario - http://www.lugro.org.ar
Jabber: ramiro{en}lugro.org.ar