[LUG.ro] Anuncio Oficial de Dell sobre Desktops y Notebooks con Linux
Julio Cesar Puigpinos
Thu, 24 May 2007 17:57:55 -0300
Recien me llego el email: "Dell Desktops and Notebooks with Ubuntu
7.04 now available".
Ya estan listas las PCs para escritorio y Notebooks, se puede elegir
Ubuntu Linux y tambien FreeDOS.
They're here! Today we're unveiling our three consumer systems -- the
XPS 410n and Dimension E520n desktops and the Inspiron E1505n notebook
-- with the Ubuntu 7.04 Linux distribution factory
installed. Available today in the U.S., the systems target
the Linux enthusiast community and are a direct result of your
feedback on IdeaStorm[1]. It's true... you will be able to
customize and purchase Dell's Ubuntu systems at www.dell.com/open.
Just as you asked, the base price for each system is competitively
priced and fully configured. Hardware support is available through
normal Dell support channels, along with the option of selecting
Ubuntu-specific support through Canonical, and a variety of software
support options are available. www.dell.com/open has all the details
about the configurations and the support options. And check out
today's post on Direct2Dell[2] to watch a vlog from Dell's Linux
Engineering team sharing their perspectives on today's
announcement. Be sure to stop by and tell us what you think on
[1] http://www.ideastorm.com
[2] http://direct2dell.com/one2one/archive/2007/05/24/15994.aspx
[3] http://www.direct2dell.com
Matt Domsch
Software Architect
Dell Linux Solutions linux.dell.com & www.dell.com/linux
Linux on Dell mailing lists @ http://lists.us.dell.com
www.kwort.org Kwort Linux Distribution
www.lugro.org.ar GNU/Linux User Group Rosario
Registered GNU/Linux User #358886
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