[LUG.ro] Commit history de programas libres

Martín Carr tincarr en gmail.com
Mar Jun 17 11:41:05 ART 2008

"Esta visualización, llamada code_swarm, muestra el historial de
commits en un proyecto de software"

Son videos, se pueden ver PosgreSQL, Python, Eclipse, Apache, etc.

Pego un cachito más, sin traducir:
I've been studying software projects for a while now. Not the
programming, but the people -- the way they interact with each other
through collaboration and communication. My investigations have always
been visual: I've built applications that create pictures of what is
happening within software projects. But they have always had a rigid
structure to them. Organic information visualization, coined by Ben
Fry, is a different approach to information visualization. It eschews
traditional data confinement in space and lets the elements play
together in freeform and unpredictable ways.

Y algo importante:
I've received some requests to make the application open source so
that people can use it on their own software projects. I think that's
a great idea. Unfortunately the ad hoc code needs lots of cleaning and
I will be busy with other things in the next few months. If I have
time I will look into it.

Update: I'm serious about making this project open source. I will
likely have to wait until this weekend, though.

Así que lo van a poder usar en lugro-mesh cuando lo libere :)


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