[LUG.ro] Desde hoy, USLA ofrece servicios de mensajería instantánea libre y autogestionada para la comunidad

Manuel Naranjo naranjo.manuel en gmail.com
Mar Dic 15 11:55:42 ARST 2009

> |> noticia de la
> |> reciente migración de Jabber.org a servicios
> |> privativos.[1]
> |>
> |
> | Será por eso que el pidgin no se conecta con jabber.org..?
> así es.

Disiento, sacado de la tapa de jabber.org:

  Security Notices <http://www.jabber.org/2009/12/security-notices/>

We’ve just installed a new security certificate at jabber.org to replace 
the old one, which was due to expire on December 17. This new 
certificate should solve the recent connection problems experienced by 
users of Apple’s Snow Leopard operating system (OS X 10.6).

In other security news, our service will soon shut down the old SSL-only 
port 5223 because all IM clients should be able to upgrade port 5222 to 
a secure connection using the XMPP “STARTTLS” feature, which was 
standardized 5 years ago in RFC 3920. If your IM client was configured 
to prefer port 5223, you might need to adjust the configuration to use 
port 5222. (For improved security we would prefer to force the use of 
encrypted connections on port 5222, but won’t make that change until 
sometime in 2010.)

Si cambian el puerto obvio q' no te vas a poder conectar ! Me parece que 
antes de responder un mail hay que al menos chequear las fuentes.

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