[LUG.ro] Understanding Disk I/O

"Sebastián D. Criado" sebastian.criado en gmail.com
Lun Mar 21 16:55:10 ART 2011

Les dejo otro articulo muy interesante del mismo autor que el
Understanding Load Averages.

En este caso se refiere al determinante problema de I/O :D

En ingles.

Y tres cosas importantes para recordar:

* Disk access is slooowww – Disk access speeds do not come close to
approaching RAM.

* Optimize your apps first – Tuning your disk hardware isn’t trivial or
likely to be a quick fix. Try to have your I/O-heavy services read more
data from a RAM cache first.

* Measure – Modifications to your application can have a big impact on
Disk I/O. Record the key I/O metrics over time.


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