[LUG.ro] El kernel linux ya es un big kernel...

Horacio horacio9573 en gmail.com
Jue Ene 19 09:36:18 ART 2012

Leo en wikipedia que... nucleo 3.2 tiene 11430712 líneas a la pelota,
con razón que hacer un debug es tan complicado!! me pregunto cuantos
code-monkey se requerirán para retipear el código del kernel completo
en menos de un año...

Que decir de este artículo...


Evolution of a Modular Software Network
The Debian GNU/Linux operating system allows us to explore the
evolution of a complex network in a novel way. The modular design
detected during its growth is based on the reuse of existing code in
order to minimize costs during programming. The increase of modularity
experienced by the system over time has not counterbalanced the
increase in incompatibilities between software packages within
modules. This negative effect is far from being a failure of design.


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