[Nightwing] [EN] Violation of Nightwing's GPL License
"Sebastián D. Criado"
sebastian.criado en gmail.com
Mie Abr 15 09:41:50 ART 2009
El 15/04/09 01:16, Outback Dingo escribió:
> The image you currently have is in fact old and not
> the
> one being released under ORION.
You conveyed the code to some.
Enough to have to continue to use GPL.
We demand that you respect the GPLv3 license that has our code, on which
you based your own firmware.
We demand that you respect the copyright of the original developers of
the code on which you based your own firmware.
We demand a public apology for what you have done, it must cite this
website, and should be published in each place where you have
participated (forums, mailing list, as well as on the web of your company)
Sebastian.Criado en gmail.com - GPG: 1024D/FB208AA2
797A 6D01 B7FC B8C7 AD5E|counter.li.org: #146768
2A50 66E6 2FFB FB20 8AA2|http://www.lugro.org.ar
http://noalamatricula.wordpress.com/about/ read!
"Si el Universo fuera un programa estaría hecho
en C, y correría sobre un sistema UNIX" Anónimo.
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