[Nightwing] Re: Update on the Orion Mesh Fiasco: The MicroBSD Fiasco

Bill Moffitt bmoffitt en bmoffitt.com
Jue Abr 23 22:50:11 ART 2009


I think both sides have expended all the useful verbiage they possess.
Quiet down and let's have some serious discussion.

This, frankly, just isn't interesting. Dingo has a propensity for trying
to claim credit for great things he has done, but doesn't submit those
great things to public review. That's been seen on various OpenWRT &
Ubiquiti forums for a long time. It's annoying, but doesn't amount to a
serious violation of GPL. Maybe he's a misunderstood genius, but his
postings certainly don't support that notion. Nobody's going to sue him
(or, if they do, they'll expend a lot more money and energy than they'll
ever get out of it).

Julio and Sebastian  and the other Nightwing developers, on the other
hand, have built something useful that they are sharing and are
rightfully proud of. Great stuff, guys, but, really, just chill out.
Dingo's a troll, he's not being civil or useful currently, so just get
over it and ignore him. Your incessant posts trying to get him to
apologize or even behave civilly were OK once; after the same message
several times, they are really annoying, just as much so as Dingo's

Really. I mean that. Just as annoying.

If you think he has something to bring to the community, let him vent,
but don't respond until he starts to behave properly (like bottom-posting).

If you don't think he's going to bring something positive, just throw
him out.

Simple. Decisive. and done.

And then we can get back to useful discussion on this list.


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