[Nightwing] Re: Update on the Orion Mesh Fiasco: The MicroBSD
Julio Cesar Puigpinos
jcpuigpinos en gmail.com
Vie Abr 24 09:23:50 ART 2009
2009/4/23 Bill Moffitt :
> Folks-
Hi Bill
> [...]
> And then we can get back to useful discussion on this list.
Yes, energy spent in endless discussions can become wasted energy.
The point is that hi has to properly give credit to the source code
that he used. In our case we stand for Nightwing.
If he really wants to contribute to the Free Software Community, he is
still in time to do it and nobody will stop him from doing that.
> -Bill
Saludos, Julio
www.lugro-mesh.org.ar/ Wireless Mesh Networks Group
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