[LUG.ro] Re: [LUG.ro Mix] Direcciones de email no filtradas => spam

Pat Carr lugro@lugro.org.ar
Mon, 15 Jan 2007 23:13:41 -0800

> Ya que se van a tomar el trabajo, hagan que lo reemplace por una
> dirección inexistente al azar, al menos les va a costar unos centavos
> por día a los spammers.+

   Ya que hablamos de proteccion contra spammers, para los que tengan un 
site, prueben http://www.projecthoneypot.org/faq.php

"What is Project Honey Pot?
     Project Honey Pot is a distributed system of decoy email addresses 
website administrators can include on their sites in order to gather 
information about the robots and spiders spammers use. We collate data 
on how addresses are harvested, distributed, and eventually spammed in 
order to understand the entire spam cycle."


The hacker is the artist of the computer world.